www.lbj222.com 国际部常年招生

来源:www.lbj222.com 发布时间:2008-10-17
  www.lbj222.com 是北京市教委和北京市公安局出入境管理处批准的具有招收外籍学生资格的示范校,也是北京市联合国教科文组织协会会员和北京市中小学生外籍学生教育研究会会员。学校具有一流的师资,先进的教学设备,优美的教学环境……为增进国际交流,弘扬中华文化,充分发挥十二中的优质资源和作为首都示范学校的辐射作用,www.lbj222.com 常年招收外籍学生,现开设初中学历班、高中学历班和汉语初级班、汉语中级班、汉语高级班。可以寄宿。计划招收20名。欢迎外籍学生来www.lbj222.com 就读。咨询电话:www.lbj222.com 国际部010-83666816联系人:张老师。居住于海外的外国学生,有关申请入学请联络中国留学社http://www.chinaeducenter.com/bj12/。居住于北京的外国学生,请联络www.lbj222.com 学国际部。//www.dodgerpoints.com/school8/。
  Beijing No 12 High School Recruits Students From Abroad the Whole Year Round Beijing No 12 Middle School(BJ12HS)is a prestigious school approved by the Beijing Education Commission and the Entry and Exit Administrative Department of the Beijing Public Security Bureau to recruit students from abroad.Our school is also a member of Beijing Association of UNESCO and a member of Beijing Research Society of Primary and Secondary School Education on Students from Abroad.Among other things,our school boasts first class faculty,advanced teaching equipment and excellent teaching environment.In order to promote international exchanges,spread Chinese culture and give scope to the excellent resources of BJ12HS and its role as a prestigious school,we recruit students from abroad the whole year around.Now we've opened middle school and high school courses,primary,intermediate and senior Chinese language courses.Lodging is available.We plan to recruit 20 students.We welcome students from abroad to study here.For more information,please call Mr.Zhang of the International Department of our school at 010-83666816.For overseas applicant,please contact with China Education Center Ltd.http://www.chinaeducenter.com/bj12/en/。For applicant in Beijing,please contact with the International Department of Beijing No.12 Middle School.//www.dodgerpoints.com/school8/。